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Binnen Weconomics worden de volgende afkortingen gebruikt:

  1. ABR = Abroad
  2. ACC = Accommodation
  3. ACO = Account
  4. ACU = Accountancy
  5. ACT = Activity
  6. ADD = Address
  7. ADI = Administrator (system)
  8. ADM = Administration (Affairs)
  9. ADV = Advise
  10. AGE = Agenda
  11. AMA = AccountManagement, accountmanager
  12. AMB = Ambassador
  13. APD = ApolloPartDone
  14. APU = AlwaysPublic
  15. ART = Article
  16. ASE = AdviseService
  17. ASI = Assignment
  18. ASM = Assessment
  19. ASP = ApplicationServiceProvider
  20. ASS = Associate
  21. ATO = Assemble-To-Order
  22. AUT = Authorizer
  23. BBD = BlockchainByDesign
  24. BCH = Blockchain
  25. BLO = Block
  26. BOA = Board
  27. BOF = BackOffice
  28. BOK = Booking
  29. BOO = Book
  30. BPA = BookingPart
  31. BSE = BookingService
  32. BSG = BlockchainSimulationGame
  33. BUI = Building
  34. BUN = BusinessUnit
  35. BYOD = BringYourOwnData
  36. CAS = Case
  37. CBS = CommunityBuildingSimulation
  38. CCE = CostCentre
  39. CEX = Excutive
  40. CHA = Channel
  41. CHI = Chair
  42. CLI = Client
  43. CMA = CentralMaintenance
  44. COA = Coaching
  45. COD = Condition
  46. COG = Congress
  47. COL = Consultant
  48. COM = Communication (Affairs)
  49. CON = Connection
  50. COP = CollegeOfPartner
  51. COR = ConfirmationOfReceipt
  52. COS = Consumer
  53. COT = Contact
  54. COU = Course
  55. CPO = Copartner
  56. CRE = Creditor
  57. CRF = ChannelRegistrationForm
  58. CRM = CustomerRelationshipSystem
  59. CSE = CaseService
  60. CSR = CorporateSocialResponsibility
  61. CUL = Cultural
  62. CUS = Customer
  63. DAAS = DataAsAService
  64. DAU = Daughter
  65. DApp = DecentralizedApplication
  66. DEA = DigitalEcosystemAssessment
  67. DEB = Debtor
  68. DEL = Delivery
  69. DEP = Deployment
  70. DES = Design
  71. DEV = Development
  72. DIA = DigitalImpactAssessement
  73. DIS = Distribution
  74. DLE = DomainLeader
  75. DON = Donator
  76. DWA = DigitalWasteAssessment
  77. DSE = DataService
  78. DTO = DeliverToOrder
  79. EDI = ElectronicDataInterchange
  80. EDU = Education
  81. ELA = ExperienceLab
  82. EMA = Email
  83. EMN = EventManagement
  84. ENG = English
  85. ENT = Entrepreneur
  86. EPC = Ex Partner Correct
  87. EPN = Ex Partner Niet Correct
  88. ERP = EnterpriseResourcesPlanning
  89. ESE = EventService
  90. ESS = EmployeeSelfService
  91. ETO = EngineerToOrder
  92. EVA = Evaluation
  93. EVE = Event
  94. EXA = Exam
  95. EXP = Expat
  96. FAC = Facilities
  97. FAM = Family
  98. FCO = FinalConfirmation
  99. FEL = Fellow
  100. FFE = Free Fellow
  101. FIFO = FirstInFirstOut
  102. FIL = File
  103. FIN = Finance
  104. FIS = Fiscal
  105. FMA = FacilityManagement
  106. FOF = FrontOffice
  107. FOL = Follower
  108. FOP = FamilyOfPartner
  109. FOR = Form
  110. FOE = Forecast
  111. FSE = FinancialService
  112. FSR = ForecastService
  113. FTG = ForTheGood
  114. FUN = Function
  115. GEN = General (Affairs), linkin pin higher order
  116. GES = GeneralSupervisor
  117. GIF = Gift
  118. GOV = Government
  119. GRO = Groups
  120. GSE = GeneralService
  121. GUA = Guardian
  122. HCA = HumanCapital
  123. HCM = HumanCapitalManagement
  124. HCS = HumanCapitalServices
  125. HEA = Healthcare
  126. HOS = Hospitality
  127. HOM = HospitalityManagement
  128. HRD = HumanResourcesDevelopment
  129. HRM = HumanResourcesManagement
  130. HRO = HumanResourcesOrganization
  131. HUM = Human
  132. IBJ = InBetweenJobs
  133. IBO = IntroductionBlockchainOrganizing
  134. ICH = InvoiceCheck
  135. ICT = InformationCommunicationTechnology
  136. ID_ = Identification
  137. IDA = IntroductionDigitalAssemblyLine
  138. IDT = IntroductionDigitalTransformation
  139. IFN = IFNOT (Institute For New Organizational Thinking)
  140. IND = Industry
  141. INE = Investor
  142. INF = Infrastructure
  143. INM = Investment
  144. INS = Insurance
  145. INT = Intermediary
  146. INV = Invoices
  147. IOT = InternetOfThings
  148. IRE = InvoiceReminder
  149. ISE = InformationService
  150. ISO = InternationalOrganisationForStandardization
  151. ISR = InvoiceService
  152. IWG = IntroductionWeconomicsGeneral
  153. JIT = JustInTime
  154. JOB = Job
  155. KOOP = KlantOrderOntkoppelPunt
  156. LAB = Label
  157. LDS = LoginDataService
  158. LEA = Learn
  159. LED = Domain Leader
  160. LEC = Lecture
  161. LEG = Legal
  162. LEI = Leisure
  163. LIA = Liaison
  164. LIS = LiasonStudents
  165. LMA = LogisticManagement
  166. LOB = Logbook
  167. LOC = LocationCode
  168. LOG = Login
  169. LOI = LetterOfIntent
  170. LOS = Logistics
  171. LOY = Lobby
  172. LRA = LoginRange
  173. LSC = LearningServiceCenter
  174. LSP = LearningServiceProvider
  175. MAI = Maintenance
  176. MAN = Management (Beheerder WF)
  177. MAR = Marketing
  178. MAT = Material
  179. MBD = MasterclassBlockchainDesigner
  180. MBO = MasterclassBlockchainOrganizing
  181. MDB = MasterclassDataEconomics&Blockchain
  182. MEM = Member
  183. MES = Messages
  184. MFI = MergeFile
  185. MOD = Moderator
  186. MTO = MakeToOrder
  187. MVoT= MultipleVersionOfTheTruth
  188. NAP = NotApplicable, NEWENT Accelerator Program
  189. NET = Network
  190. NLE = Netwerkleider
  191. NMA = NetworkManagement
  192. NMF = NoMailFromFoundation
  193. NGO = NonGovernmentalOrganization
  194. NOS = NotSuitable
  195. NPU = NeverPublic
  196. NR_ = Number
  197. NSU = NetworkSupplier
  198. OAC = ObjectAttributeConnection
  199. OAD = OfflineAddress
  200. OAR = OrganizationArchitect
  201. OAAS = OrganizationAsAService
  202. OCC = (ObjectObjectConnection)AttributeConnection
  203. ODS = OrganizationDataService
  204. OFF = Offline
  205. OIN = OptIn
  206. OMC = Organization Canvas Model
  207. ONL = Online
  208. OOC = ObjectObjectConnection
  209. OOU = OptOut
  210. OPA = OrderPart
  211. OPE = Operations
  212. OPR = OrganizationPart
  213. ORD = Order
  214. ORG = Organization
  215. OSE = OrderService
  216. OTH = Other (none of the rest)
  217. PAA = PartnerActive
  218. PAC = ProspectActive
  219. PAI = Pair
  220. PAR = Partner
  221. PAT = Participant
  222. PAU = ProfessionalAuthorizer
  223. PAW = PassedAway
  224. PDS = PersonalDataService
  225. PEN = Pensionado
  226. PER = Person
  227. PID = ProjectIdea
  228. PLA = Plan
  229. PLE = ProjectLeader
  230. PLT = Plato
  231. PME = ProjectMember
  232. POR = PublicOnRequest
  233. PPA = ProductPart
  234. PPR = PartParticipant
  235. PPS = ProspectPassive
  236. PRA = PressActive
  237. PRC = Process
  238. PRD = Producer
  239. PrDS = ProductDataService (zie VDS=ValueDataService of SDS=SolutionDataService)
  240. PRE = Press
  241. PRG = Program
  242. PRJ = Project
  243. PRO = Product
  244. PRP = Proposal
  245. PRS = Presentation
  246. PSE = ProjectService
  247. PSM = ProjectSupportMember
  248. PSU = ProjectSupport
  249. PUB = Publish
  250. PUR = Purchase
  251. QUA = Quality
  252. RAD = ResearchAndDevelopment
  253. RED = Remove Data
  254. RAN = Range
  255. REC = Recruitment
  256. REE = Researcher
  257. REP = Report
  258. RES = RealEstate
  259. RET = Retail
  260. RIG = Right
  261. ROL = Role
  262. RTA = Roundtable
  263. SAL = Sales
  264. SAR = SoftwareArchitect
  265. SCH = Schedule
  266. SCM = SupplyChainManagement
  267. SCO = Social Coins
  268. SDS = SolutionDataService
  269. SEC = Security
  270. SER = Service
  271. SFC = SchoolForCooperation
  272. SLA = ServiceLevelAgreement
  273. SMA = Smartys
  274. SME = SocialMedia
  275. SMED = SingleMinuteExchangeOfDie
  276. SNO = SpamNotification
  277. SOHO = Self Organizing Holarchic Open System
  278. SPC = Specific (linking pin lower order)
  279. SPE = Specialist
  280. SPF = SelectedPublicFolder
  281. SPR = StillProcessing
  282. SPT = ShortestProcessingTime
  283. SPU = SetPublic
  284. SSC = SharedServiceCentre
  285. SSE = SupportServices
  286. SSIS = SelfSovereignIdentityService
  287. SSoT = SingleSourceOfTruth
  288. SSP = SystemSupervisor
  289. SSU = SupportSupervisor
  290. STA = Staff
  291. STU = Startup
  292. SUB = Subsidy
  293. SUN = StartUpNetwork
  294. SUP = Supplier
  295. SUS = Suspect
  296. SUT = Sustainability
  297. TAAS = TrustAsAService
  298. TAD = TrainingAndDevelopment
  299. TDD = TrainingDataDriven
  300. TDI = ToDivide
  301. TDL = ToDoList
  302. TDS = TransactionDataService
  303. TEL = Telephone
  304. TEM = Template
  305. TEX = Text, ThoughtExpedition
  306. THE = Thesis (dissertation)
  307. TOC = TheoryOfConstraints
  308. TRA = Trainer, lector, speaker
  309. UDL = UpDownLoad
  310. UND = Undeliverable
  311. UNI = Unit
  312. UNK = Unknown (cannot choose because I don’t know)
  313. USE = User
  314. VAR = More choices / combination on the same level
  315. VDS = ValueDataService
  316. VIA = ViaVia
  317. VID = Video
  318. VOL = Volunteer
  319. WAL = WeconomicsALaCarte
  320. WAP = Weconomics Case Program
  321. WBC = WeconomicsBackCasting
  322. WBO = WorkshopBlockchainOrganizing
  323. WBP = WorkshopBlockchainOrganizingPlus
  324. WCP = Weconomics Certified Program
  325. WCS = WeconomicsCaseStudy
  326. WEB = Website
  327. WEC = WeconomicsCommonality
  328. WEM = WeconomicsManagement
  329. WFO = WeconomicsFoundation
  330. WID = WeconomicsIdealizedDesign
  331. WIN = Window
  332. WKC = WeconomicsKnowLedgeCenter
  333. WOR = Workflow
  334. WPA = WeconomicsProgramAssess
  335. WPC = WeconomicsProgramConnect
  336. WPG = WeconomicsProgramGrow
  337. WPL = WeconomicsProgramLearn
  338. WPS = WeconomicsProgramStart
  339. WPT = WeconomicsProgramTalk
  340. WPV = WeconomicsProgramVarious
  341. WRT = Weconomics RoundTable
  342. WSO = WeconomicsSolutions
  343. WST = WeconomicsscenarioThinking
  344. YFM = YearFreeMember
  345. YOP = StartYourOwnProject


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